1945 words | 7.5 minute read
Joe Deville, Mattering Press / Lancaster University / Open Book Collective Talk given on 17th September 2024 at the OASPA 2024 Conference, Lisbon, as part of a panel on ‘Open Access and Precarity in the Academic Landscape: Learning from the Experiences of Authors and Scholar-led Publishers’. The panel also included presentations from Dr Judith Fathallah…Read more
300 words | 1.5 minute read
Boxes: A Field Guide Mattering Press is proud to announce the publication of a major new text, Boxes: A Field Guide, edited by Susanne Bauer, Martina Schlünder, and Maria Rentetzi. This book invites readers into a new field: box studies. It explores the ‘wildlife’ of box practices, in the process aiming to challenge our senses…Read more
981 words | 4 minute read
By Joe Deville & Julien McHardy [Originally published on the OpenAIRE website on 8th July 2018, at https://blogs.openaire.eu/?p=3546] The New Platforms project met for its final workshop on 25th June. The workshop was hosted by the Centre for Post-Digital Cultures at Coventry University. Present were representatives from most of the presses on the project, including Joe…Read more
2618 words | 10 minute read
What untapped potential is there for universities and Open Access publishing initiatives to provide each other with mutual benefit and support? This is a question that has stayed with me since the end of a small workshop that I organised in late July, funded jointly by the Institute for Social Futures and the Centre for…Read more
2341 words | 9 minute read
Reflections on the Experiments in Knowledge Production workshop. Originally published June 18th, 2014. Science and Technology Studies (STS) has a long-standing interest in analysing the politics of knowledge production. One of its strengths has been the demonstration of the contingencies, blindspots and power-plays that are wrapped up in the creation, standardisation, and distribution of knowledge…Read more
1136 words | 4.5 minute read
Originally published 4th December, 2013. Mattering Press is a new book publishing initiative committed to the creation and publishing of widely accessible, carefully produced, and intellectually vibrant books in Science and Technology Studies (STS). Our first books are due to be published in 2014. In September of this year we had the opportunity to introduce the…Read more