Lys Alcayna-Stevens is a visiting research fellow in the Anthropology Department at Harvard University and a postdoctoral researcher at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She received her PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Cambridge in 2017 and was a Fondation Fyssen fellow at the Institut Pasteur and Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale (Collège de France) in Paris from 2016–2018. She has worked extensively in rural Democratic Republic of Congo since 2012, conducting research on health and environmental politics.
Cristóbal Bonelli is a psychologist, psychotherapist and anthropologist currently based at the department of Anthropology of the University of Amsterdam. He is the principal investigator of the ERC project ‘Worlds of Lithium’, in which he and his team study the socio-ecological disruptions emerging around decarbonisation strategies in Chile, China and Norway. He has conducted long-term ethnographic research in southern and northern Chile, where he collaborates with the Center for Integrated Research on Disaster Risk Reduction (CIGIDEN) and the Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Research (CIIR).
Magnus Course teaches anthropology at the University of Edinburgh. He has carried out research in southern Chile, the Scottish Outer Hebrides and southern Italy. He is the co-producer of Iorram, a feature-length documentary on Gaelic imaginings of the sea and is currently starting work on a book about the disappearance of Purgatory.
Marisol de la Cadena has worked as an anthropologist in Peru, England, France and the USA. She teaches at UC-Davis. Her most recent book is Earth Beings. Ecologies of Practice Across Andean Worlds (2015), which is based on decade-long conversations with Mariano and Nazario Turpo, Andean runakuna from Cuzco. She co-edited (with Mario Blaser) A World of Many Worlds (2018.) Currently she works on what she calls ‘cow-forming livescapes’ in Colombia.
Marianne de Laet is professor of anthropology and STS at Harvey Mudd College in Southern California. Her work on knowledge practices is concerned with the ways in which knowing and sensing together craft the known/sensed object. A psychologically trained anthropologist of science, she is interested in the self as a distributed subject, mediated by the company it keeps with animals and materials. She is currently writing about water and sustainable water technologies; taste and tasting; and living and dying with dogs.
Dehlia Hannah is a philosopher and curator and postdoctoral fellow of the Royal Danish Academy of Art and Arken Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen. She holds a PhD in Philosophy from Columbia University with specialisations in philosophy of science, aesthetics, and philosophy of nature. Her recent book A Year Without a Winter (2018) reframes contemporary imaginaries of climate change by revisiting the environmental conditions under which Frankenstein was written and the global aftermath of the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora.
Penny Harvey studies infrastructures to explore the material and social relations of modern statecraft, knowledge practices and the politics of value. She has conducted long-term ethnographic research in Peru and is currently researching nuclear power in the UK. She is Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Manchester, and author of Roads: An Anthropology of Infrastructure and Expertise (with Hannah Knox), Infrastructures and Social Complexity (edited with Casper Jensen and Atsuro Morita) and Anthropos and the Material (edited with Krohn-Hansen and Nustad).
Stefan Helmreich is professor of anthropology at MIT and author of Alien Ocean: Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas (University of California Press, 2009) and of Sounding the Limits of Life: Essays in the Anthropology of Biology and Beyond (Princeton University Press, 2016). Helmreich’s essays have appeared in Critical Inquiry, Representations, Public Culture, The Wire, Cabinet and American Anthropologist.
Casper Bruun Jensen is an anthropologist of science and technology currently residing in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He is the author of Ontologies for Developing Things (Sense, 2010) and Monitoring Movements in Development Aid (with Brit Ross Winthereik) (MIT, 2013), and the editor of Deleuzian Intersections: Science, Technology, Anthropology with (Kjetil Rödje) (Berghahn, 2009) and Infrastructures and Social Complexity with Penny Harvey and Atsuro Morita (Routledge, 2016). His work focuses on climate, environments, infrastructures, and speculative and practical ontologies.
Stine Krøijer is associate professor in Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen. Her research interests span climate, nature, cosmology and political activism in the Amazon Basin and Northern Europe.
Annet Pauwelussen works as assistant professor in Marine Governance with the Environmental Policy group of Wageningen University and as Ocean Nexus research fellow with the University of Washington. Her anthropological research explores epistemological and ontological complexity in marine conservation and restoration, with a particular focus on gender, more-than-human relations and environmental care in indigenous and scientific practices. It builds on over a decade of ethnographic engagement with coastal and maritime communities, sea people and marine scientists in Southeast Asia.
Bronislaw Szerszynski is professor of sociology at Lancaster University. His research seeks to situate social life in the longer perspective of human and planetary history, drawing on the social and natural sciences, arts and humanities. He is co-author with Nigel Clark of Planetary Social Thought (2020), author of Nature, Technology and the Sacred (2005), and co-editor of Risk, Environment and Modernity (1996), Re-Ordering Nature (2003), Nature Performed (2003) and Technofutures (2015).
Manuel Tironi is associate professor and co-convener of the Critical Studies on the Anthropocene group at the Instituto de Sociología at P. Universidad Católica de Chile. He is also a principal investigator at the Center for Integrated Research on Disaster Risk Reduction (CIGIDEN). He is the author of Disasters and Politics: Materials, Experiments, Preparedness (edited with Israel Rodríguez-Giralt and Michael Guggenheim). His latest projects have engaged with issues of toxicity, environmental justice, politics of care and geological knowledge. He is currently conducting a four-year ethnographic project on modes of attention to geo-climatic disruptions.
Antonia Walford is a lecturer in Digital Anthropology at UCL. Their work explores the effects of the exponential growth of digital data and algorithms on social and cultural imaginaries and practices, centring on the data infrastructures of climate science, and with an ethnographic focus on Brazil. They have published in journals such as Social Analysis, Cultural Anthropology, and Environmental Humanities, and recently co-edited (with Nick Seaver and Rachel Douglas-Jones) a special issue with JRAI on the Anthropology of Data.