
1 This song was sung in 2018 by Margaret Campbell of South Uist and recorded by Gillebride MacMillan as part of our ESRC project, Sustainability, Culture and Language in Hebridean Fishing.

2 From a draft translation by Micheal Newton.

3 This story, and several others, were transcribed and translated as part of Fomin and Mac Mathúna’s Stories of the Sea project:

4 ‘Inshore’ fishing refers to boats operating within six miles of the coast, primarily to catch shellfish. According to Scottish Government statistics, 1,431 out of a total of 2,206 registered Scottish commercial fishing boats are inshore vessels.

5 For important discussions of the impact of the new ‘enclosure of the oceans’ see Bresnihan 2016 and McCormack 2017.

6 Scottish Gaelic, Gàidhlig, is a Goidelic Celtic language related to, but not mutually intelligible with Irish Gaelic. The 2011 census revealed 57,375 speakers, all of whom are bilingual with English. The Outer Hebrides is the only place where Gaelic is spoken by a majority of the population.

7 See Nightingale 2013 and McCall Howard 2017, for further ethnographic data on sustainability among Scottish fishermen.

8 See, for example, debates around the John Muir Trust’s attempts to designate large chunks of Scotland as ‘wilderness’ (MacDonald 2013).

9 A full account of this relationship is beyond the scope of this paper but see Bateman 2009; Hunter 1995; Newton 2009.


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