
1 In this chapter, however, I generalise the ‘geo’ in ‘geophilosophy’ from the Earth to planets in general and am also thinking through planets in order to also think about them.

2 Simondon’s work on individuation was a great influence on Deleuze, although the latter only rarely references him directly – see Iliadis (2013)

3 In a sense, what Latour is describing as the modern constitution is a very non-cosmopolitical way of composing a common world – but in another it is a disguised cosmopolitics.

4 See also Harman (2009: 122-127).

5 Though the Greeks and Romans, even while recognising the evening and morning stars as the same planet, continued to worship them as two separate gods or divine aspects.

6 The class of planets that belong to our solar system is of course bounded not just by the distinction between different objects orbiting the Sun – planets, asteroids, comets, Kuiper objects etc. – but also by that between our sun’s planets and those of other stars.

7 For a discussion of the uncertain state of knowledge about planetary formation, see Morbidelli et al. (2016).

8 The material isolation of planets is not absolute, and can be overstated (Clark 2005). However, it is still hugely significant: the density of the interplanetary medium around the Earth is about 23 orders of magnitude less than that of the solid Earth (Mann et al. 2010: 3), and the raining of cosmic dust onto the Earth would at the current rate of approximately 30,000 tons per year take about 200 quadrillion years to double the mass of the Earth – more than 14 million times the estimated age of the universe to date.

9 On singularities, see also DeLanda (2002: 14–16).

10 As Deleuze puts it, within a given virtual structure, individual entities ‘select and envelop a finite number of the singularities of the system. They combine them with the singularities that their own body incarnates’ (1990: 109).

11 See for example Kring (2003).


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