Mattering Press is an initiative involving many parties, ranging from editors, to advisors, to authors, to those that support our practical work, including web designers, copy editors, type setters, and proof readers.
Uli Beisel
Uli Beisel is Chair of Human Geography at Freie Universität Berlin, based in the Institute of Geographic Sciences. She has worked on human-mosquito-parasite entanglements in malaria and its control in Ghana and Sierra Leone, where she was particularly interested in how we live together with organisms that are harmful to human health. Her current work focuses on translations of new health technologies in global health initiatives, and their relation to uneven geographies of access to health care in Uganda and Rwanda. Further research interests include zoonotic diseases; insecticides and pesticides; evidence, speculation and ignorance; and the shifting landscapes of energy and waste in sub-Saharan Africa.
Endre Dányi
Endre Dányi is Professor of the Sociology of Globalization at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, based in the Department of Social Sciences and Public Affairs. Strongly inspired by Actor-Network Theory and its successor projects, Endre’s main research focuses on places and material associated with democratic politics – and their limits.
Joe Deville
Joe Deville is a Senior Lecturer
at Lancaster University, jointly appointed to the Departments of Organisation, Work & Technology and Sociology. He has
published widely on issues of debt and credit and is heavily involved in developing new infrastructures for Open Access book publishing. This includes his work as PI on Copim’s ongoing
Open Book Futures project and as Managing Director of the
Open Book Collective. Other research interests include the social life of data, technologies of disaster preparedness, and the ethics and politics of AI-driven technologies. He is also one of the editors of the Mattering Press book Practising Comparison.
Anna Dowrick
Anna Dowrick is a Senior Researcher at the University of Oxford in the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences. She is interested in the role health care systems play in social justice issues, as both a positive driver of change and as a contributor to inequality. Following her PhD research into the healthcare response to domestic violence and abuse, her current research explores the growing popularity of non-surgical cosmetic procedures, questioning the physical and social consequences of medicalising beauty.
Natalie Gill
Natalie Gill is based at the University of West England. Her recent work has explored various themes, including poo protests, shit politics and decolonisation. Interested in the way way subjectivities, objects and contexts are enacted in the daily routines of political practices, she has worked on policies for ageing in place (EFORTT project, Lancaster University) and waste management practices.
Julien McHardy
Julien McHardy is a designer, art director and sociologist of science and technology. He co-runs the agency 5’90 Design and acts as a strategist for the Being and Dying network and Actant. He studied design at the Bauhaus University and the Glasgow School of Art and completed a PhD at Lancaster University in collaboration with IDEO London.
Michaela Spencer
Michaela Spencer is Senior Research Fellow with the Northern Institute at Charles Darwin University. Her background is in environmental science, sociology, geography and Science and Technology Studies (STS). Her current research involves working from the ‘Ground Up’ with Indigenous knowledge authorities, and differing traditions of knowledge and governance. She has had a long-term interest in disparate knowledge practices and the role of empirical research in the field of STS. Her previous work has followed scientists and conservationists as their activities have become caught up in shifts towards .neoliberal environmental governance in Australia; and these days she spends much of her time grappling with the challenges of collaborative research design in remote Aboriginal communities.
Jennifer Horsley
Jennifer Horsley is Mattering Press’ Publishing Project Manager and works on ensuring that the Press’ publishing workflows are as efficient as possible. Jennifer has a strong interest in Open Access and Open Science, with extensive experience in the sector including previously having worked as an Editorial Manager at the Public Library of Science (PLOS).
Infostreams is a web development agency based in Berlin. We provide creative digital services and build engaging and advanced online products. Infostreams provided Mattering Press with the initial digital infrastructures and technical know how that are necessary for starting a digital publishing house.
Tetragon is a small London-based company that works with independent publishers in the UK and US. It provides various services including production editing, typesetting, eBook design and creation, copy-editing and proofreading.
The function of the STS advisory board is to provide the press with support concerning its relationship to the discipline of Science and Technology Studies. This relates both to the books it publishes and to the functions of the press. Its members include:
- Franck Cochoy, University of Toulouse
- Michael Guggenheim, Goldsmiths, University of London
- Casper Bruun Jensen, IT University of Copenhagen
- John Law, Open University
- Noortje Marres, Goldsmiths, University of London
- Ivan da Costa Marques, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
- Annemarie Mol, University of Amsterdam
- David Pontille, CSI, Paris
- Vololona Rabeharisoa, CSI, Paris
- Richard Rottenburg, University of Halle-Wittenberg
- Estrid Sørensen, Bochum University
- Lucy Suchman, Lancaster University
- Anna Tsing, University of California, Santa Cruz
- Helen Verran, University of Melbourne and Charles Darwin University
- Sarah Whatmore, Oxford University
The function of the OA advisory board is to provide the press with support concerning its relationship to the publishing industry and the Open Access movement. Its members include:
- Edward Akerboom, infostreams
- Alex Billington, Tetragon
- Mercedes Bunz, Leuphana University
- Gary Hall, Coventry University
- Eileen Joy, Punctum Books
- Chris Kelty, University of California
- Sarah Kember, Goldsmiths, University of London
- Ivor Williams, Amerang
Mattering Press is supported in its work by various organisations. These have provided various forms of support, including both financial and in kind. These partners include: