Thank you to Helen Verran, my supervisor at the University of Melbourne. Without her guidance and support this project would have looked entirely different and much less.
Thank you to the group of graduate students gathered around Helen, including Christian Clark, Stephanie Lavau, Alison Marlin, and Michaela Spencer. Workshops and conversations with you all have always been stimulating.
Staff and students in the Departments of History and Philosophy of Science and Philosophy at the University of Melbourne and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Sydney were good friends and colleagues.
Examiners Estrid Sørensen and Lisa Adkins, reviewers Frida Hastrup, Dirk Postma and two anonymous reviewers all gave up their time to give valuable feedback.
Lynne Allen was kind enough to read and provide a teacher’s perspective.
Everyone at Mattering Press has been hugely helpful, especially Uli Beisel.
Zach Weber – thank you. And Oskar and Edgar, this book is for you.