List of Figures
Fig. 2.1 Surveillance balloon in Las Condes
Fig. 2.2 Military parade with drones
Fig. 2.3 Drone assembly and aerial view
Fig. 4.1 Phylogenetic tree (source: redrawn from Figure 5 in Carlson 1999)
Fig. 4.2 Two identical DNA strands with one Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, one SNP (source:
Fig. 4.3 Part of a SNP-based phylogenetic tree of Salmonella Enteritidis (ECDC 2016b: 7)
Fig. 4.4 Map of Salmonella cases (ECDC 2019: 3)
Fig. 4.5 Epicurve of the long ongoing Salmonella outbreak in Country X (ECDC 2017: 4)
Figs 10.1–2 Two exemplary frames from Gugganig’s ‘Making Dust come to Matter: The Scaffolding of Academia’
Figs 10.3–4 Two pages from Douglas-Jones and Cohn 2018 GDPR Poems showing the process of making erasure poems from the GDPR in Copenhagen, and a sample poem
Fig. 10.5 Mayer and Shah (see contribution in this book) play with, and thereby invert the conceptual role of text as illustrator and text as descriptor by merging them in this frame.
Fig. 10.6 Meeting the StingRays in Light and McKelvey’s Visual Vignette through layered image and text
Fig. 10.7 A five-step user guide for making a Visual Vignette
Fig. 10.8 Visual vignette as three-fold in postcard size for dissemination among research participants (Gugganig 2019)
Fig. 10.9 Display of Visual Vignettes by Mascha Gugganig, Laura Kuen, Felix Remter, Anja Rueß, Luise Ruge and Chris Wood (in alphabetic order) at the ‘STS Infrastructures’ exhibition, 4s meeting in New Orleans (2019)
Fig. 10.10 Office space decoration, Cornell University
Fig. 12.1 Authors’ elaboration of the original graphical user interface of the Hellenic Register of Foreigners, as accessible by the Hellenic Asylum Service
Fig. 12.2 Authors’ elaboration of the original graphical user interface of the Hellenic Register of Foreigners, as accessible by the Registration and Identification Service (i.e., administrative civil personnel)
Fig. 12.3 Basic data collected on the Hellenic Register of Foreigners (source: authors’ elaboration from system interface)
Fig. 12.4 Data collected on Eurodac (source: European Regulation (EU) No 603/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013)
Fig. 13.1 The exterior of a hyperscale data centre in Finland operated by Yandex, a major Russian Internet platform (credit: Julia Velkova)
Fig. 13.2 The whitewashed interior of the cloud (credit: A.R.E. Taylor)
Fig. 13.3 Biometric sensors such as fingerprint and retina scanners regulate access throughout data centres (credit: A.R.E. Taylor)
Fig. 13.4 Sensors fitted to server cabinet doors enable data centre operators to detect anticipated events potentially emerging within the quantified space of the data hall (credit: A.R.E. Taylor)
Fig. 13.5 Dust filters on data centre rooftops ensure that the air for computer room cooling is not contaminated with particulate matter (credit: Julia Velkova)
Fig. 13.6 Data centre security is often outsourced to private security firms. Their contractors patrol the perimeter of the data centre, inspecting the security of infrastructure (credit: anonymous data centre security officer, via Julia Velkova)
Fig. 13.7 Guard and detection dogs often operate as non-human sensors in data centre securityscapes (credit: A.R.E. Taylor)
Fig. 13.8 The data centre control room (credit: Julia Velkova)